
Santa Clara, CA — November 23, 2021 — Picarro Inc., a leading provider of gas concentration and stable isotope analyzers and systems for science and industrial applications, will once again be participating in the annual American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. The AGU Fall Meeting is one of the world's largest scientific conferences and will be held 13-17 December 2021 in New Orleans, LA. 

On the show floor, Picarro will feature Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzers for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including the new G2920 Ambient Ethylene Oxide (EtO) Analyzer that supports long-term monitoring of fugitive emissions at the fenceline. Picarro technologists will be available to answer questions about Picarro’s full portfolio of analyzers including the popular L2130-i Isotopic Water Analyzer, the G2201-i δ13C Carbon Isotope Analyzer, and the G4301 GasScouter™ Mobile Gas Concentration Analyzer. Picarro will also preview technology for real-time detection of Benzene and the Zero Reference Module (ZRM), a new peripheral that automates long-term deployments and improves the sensitivity of the EtO analyzers.

Picarro will also present several poster sessions on a variety of topics:

13 December, 2-4 pm CST

17 December, 2-4 pm CST

Picarro Solutions for Measuring GHG Concentrations, Trace Gases, Stable Isotopes -- and Now Multiple VOCs

Ethylene Oxide Gas Analyzer Family - Picarro EtO analyzers deliver real-time measurements at a sub-100 parts-per-trillion (ppt) limit of detection and a precision of 33 ppt.  They’re easy to use and maintain, have a low cost of ownership, and are easy to integrate into next-generation CEMS, stack testing, fenceline, and indoor and outdoor ambient air quality monitoring systems. 

The Picarro L2130-i Analyzer with New Express and Survey Modes delivers high-precision measurements for advanced research into all aspects of the water cycle―water vapor, liquid water or water trapped in solids―and for demanding applications such as paleoclimatology and oceanography. The new Express mode will allow measurements of up to 50 samples per day while maintaining excellent precision. The new Survey mode will allow measurements of up to 150 samples per day.

The Picarro G2201-i Isotopic Analyzer combines capabilities of two Picarro δ13C carbon isotope instruments for CO2 and CH4 into a single instrument. With the G2201-i, capturing insights that only stable isotope ratios offer is now fast and easy, and researchers can follow carbon as it moves from source to sink with a single instrument.

The Picarro G4301 GasScouter™ Mobile Gas Concentration Analyzer is a new generation extra-lightweight and portable, battery-powered analyzer designed for science on the move. It enables the simultaneously measurement of CO2, CH4 and H2O concentrations over a wide dynamic range, allowing effective background, emissions, and soil flux measurements, among many potential applications.

About Picarro
Picarro is a leading provider of solutions to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, trace gases and stable isotopes across many scientific applications. Our portfolio of gas analyzers and systems enables scientists around the world to measure GHGs, trace gases and stable isotopes found in the air we breathe, water we drink and land we harvest. Picarro’s industrial solutions include mobile leak detection and emissions quantification technology used by public utilities and air quality monitoring solutions used in semiconductor fabrication and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Our patented Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) is at the heart of all Picarro instruments, enabling the detection of target molecules at parts-per-billion or better resolution.

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